A Week Dedicated to Marriage

    From 15 to 22 in Ukraine there is going to be held at first time a week of marriage. This year the Week of marriage will unite about 10 cities of Ukraine, together they will support the traditional family values. Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Lutsk, Krivy Rig, Zaporizhzhya, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Lviv and Donetsk – constitute a partial list of cities, where the week of marriage will be held.
   Within Marriage Week in Zhytomyr (May 14, 15:00) and Lutsk (May 15) there will be massive parades and family festivals. Local Christian Churches will hold a Week of Prayer for the Ukrainian families.
   The Week of Marriage - a peculiar appeal to the Ukrainian society, government and public organizations: family and marriage - is a strong foundation on which the country and nation are built.
   In 2010 in Ukraine, according to the official statistics, every second marriage ends in divorce. During the last 13 years the percentage of divorces in our country is 55.8%.
    Numerous polls say that marriage and family is an universal value in all regions of Ukraine. That is why the Week of marriage is to unite the whole country.
   16 May at 18:30 (Kyiv, Shota Rustaveli Str. 29, 2 office, 2 nd floor, office "Unique Ukraine) there will be held a presentation meeting involving the initiator of the international movement of the Week of Marriage Richard Kane ( UK).
    Marriage Week was initiated in Ukraine by the NGO "Family Club” and Charitable Foundation" Youth with a Mission” in Ukraine. Dozens of famoly organizations supported by Christian churches and local governments spend the Week of Marriage in their regions.
   Week of marriage - an international movement designed to spread the authority of the family in society and to strength family values and marriage as the most significant social institution.
    The purpose of Marriage Week: to do marriage the main theme in the country for one week every year, combining the efforts of NGOs, public and private institutions, media and journalists, Christian churches, business and all not careless people.
   More than 15 years the Week of Marriage occurs in 14 countries. In many countries the Week of marriage has become a tradition week and was confirmed at the national level: Germany, Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, USA, Australia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and other countries.


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