Cardinal Husar: Unity of Church to be restored on basis of Religion and not Politics

   According to Cardinal Lubomyr (Husar), politics should be put aside from religion. “Talking about the one Church of the Kyivan tradition which unfortunately split in 4 in the course of history, we should restore it not on the basis of politics but on the basis of religion, our attitude to God,” said the hierarch on the TV show Shuster Live.
   “We should restore the former unity enjoyed by the Kyivan Church one thousand years ago. We should not pay attention to various political aspects as it is useless. We should be ourselves, we should be the Church. Each of us should say to ourselves in our heart: “The Church should be one.” And we should revive such Church. One Christ’s Church in Ukraine,” stressed Lubomyr (Husar).
   The Cardinal stressed that the Church should be one, the Universal One: “Jesus did not establish that many local Churches, Jesus Christ established one Church existing in the form of the local Churches. And all this Church should be unified as one Universal Church.”



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